Abstract. This research explored the concept of self-care of the Filipino sandwich generation. Amidst the challenges that come with the experiences of simultaneously providing care for two or more generations, this study focused on how the Filipino sandwich generation cares for themselves and whether or not being in this generation influences their concept of self-care. Employing Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, the study generated nine (9) themes which were Maintaining Physical Well-Being and Self-Care Practices; Balancing Responsibilities and Adaptation; Juggling Multiple Roles and Responsibilities; Building Social Engagement and Support Networks; Continuous Learning and Cognitive Stimulation; Nurturing Relationships with Family and Loved Ones; Spectrum of Emotional Expression; Fostering Familial Unity; and Interconnectedness of Self-Care and Care for Others. The study emphasized the importance of prioritizing self-care for care providers like the sandwich generation because no one could pour from an empty cup. Losing their health also meant losing their ability to take care of their loved ones. Thus, acknowledging the study’s results, the researcher proposed the program/ workshop called SELF: Self-care Empowerment and Life-altering Skills for Filpino Sandwich Generation. This program highlights self-care strategies for the Filipino sandwich generation that aim to provide ways to manage the demands of simultaneous responsibilities and encourage prioritization of self-care among the Filipino sandwich generation. The program comprises not just a discussion on topics relative to this research’s emergent themes, especially on self-care, but also includes activities for self-reflection and group interactions that benefit the intended participants of the said workshop.

Keywords: Filipino sandwich generation; Intergenerational solidarity; Self-care